WELCOME TO Good Friday service of meditation and scripture.
We join together in the spirit of Christ on this most holy day to think
on his crucifixion and give thanks for this, the ultimate sacrifice of
God’s only-begotten Son on Calvary’s hill.
What’s So Good about “Good Friday?” The title, “Good Friday,” sounds like an oxymoron. We come to church to remember Jesus’ tortuous death, nailed to a cross. What’s good about that? But, we are not coming to a funeral, we are remembering the sacrifice Jesus made that made the celebration of Easter possible. The grief Jesus’ first disciples experienced on that horrible day at Golgatha made their understanding and joy of his day of Resurrection that Sunday morning complete. This miraculous revelation, in spite of what they saw and believed on Friday, changed them and the world forever… and ever! Alleluia!
Before the 4th century, Good Friday and Easter were observed together. Three whole days were observed as a fast and a vigil from Friday through Sunday evening. Many Christians, most notably Catholics, Anglicans, Episcopalians, and Lutherans, hold services throughout this three-day period. Good Friday and Holy Saturday are the only days on which the Eucharist is not celebrated.
Our worship service at Westminster will resemble a Tenebrae service. “Tenebrae” is the Latin word for “shadows. The service is made up of scripture readings from the Gospels’ Passion narratives, separated by hymns. This year, most of the readings will be from Matthew. No, it is not a joyful service, but it does help us to “feel Christ’s pain.” We do not come near experiencing the joy of Easter if we have not experienced the journey to the cross. At the cross with Jesus, we can feel the bittersweet relief Jesus experienced when he uttered the words:
“‘It is finished.’ Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” – John 19:30
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“I belong to Westminster because of the splendid worship services, the caring pastor and the faith in action programs…. Westminster made me feel like a welcome part of the church family and allows me to share ‘time, treasure and talents.’ It is a very warm and inclusive congregation with great leadership.”