These days hope can seem hard to find as the world cripples us with fear. But there is something much greater than the world… Celebrate Easter with us and learn how the journey of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, and final commands changed everything. Experience joy regardless of circumstances, freedom from comparison, and everlasting love that is changing the world forever!
Whether you’re new to church or have been attending your whole life, our service is for everyone. We’re just glad you’re celebrating with us! Come in your jeans or a spring dress – whatever you’re comfortable in, you’ll be at home at Westminster.
Our Easter Celebration Worship starts at 10 a.m. in-person or online (YouTube) or (Website)
Inviting Others
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Lily Dedications
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Flowering Cross
The flowering of the cross is a Christian custom that has been traced back to the 6th century. The tradition is based on a legend that Jesus’ cross burst into bloom at the moment of his death. Fresh spring flowers serve as a vibrant, colorful, and fragrant symbol of The Resurrection that arises from Jesus’s death on Good Friday.
During Lent, a simple wooden cross is placed at the front of the church. Often, a drape of purple cloth rests on the horizontal post. Before the service on Easter morning, the cross is covered with real flowers The contrast between the barren cross displayed during Lent and the living flower cross of Easter Sunday makes a dramatic visual image of the Resurrection.
As you prepare for Easter worship, purchase or pick fresh flowers and greenery from your garden or yard and bring them to church. When you arrive for Easter service, place your flowers on the cross that is located right as you drive in Malvern Lane.
Together we will transform a barren cross, a reminder of Jesus’ death, into an Easter symbol. Covered with fresh, living flowers, the cross serves not only as an emblem of Jesus’ resurrection but also of the continuing presence of Christ among today’s Christians. Together, let us make this Easter a celebration of new life!
“Throughout the week, there are many worldly things pulling me away from my commitment to God. I come to church on Sunday at Westminster to reconnect and renew my relationship with Him. Part of my worship is to ask him for forgiveness for my lack of faithfulness. I leave, reminded that he loves me, forgives me, and walks beside me every day. What a profound blessing that is!”