Welcome to Westminster Presbyterian Church, where our mission is to serve God with open mind, hands and heart. Located at 1420 W. Moss Avenue in the historically significant and lovely Moss-Bradley neighborhood near downtown Peoria, Westminster Presbyterian is a diverse and dynamic community of believers dedicated to worshiping God, increasing our faith and serving our community.
Our Mission Statement
Westminster Presbyterian Church’s mission is to serve God with open mind, hands, and heart.
Our minds are open to:
- Sermons that are intellectually challenging and help us understand what God is doing in the world;
- Educational opportunities to learn from God’s Word and great thinkers in the rich Reformed tradition; and
- An understanding of how God is expressed through artistic expressions and different faith traditions.
Our hands are open to:
- House and support the Westminster Infant Childcare Center (WICC) which enables teen mothers of infants to complete high school;
- Give food to the hungry at our WestMark Food Pantry and the Whittier Elementary School Little Free Pantry
- Offer financial support to local and denominational missions.
Our hearts are open to:
- Honor God by modeling our behavior after Christ’s;
- Affirming all people as children of God, made in God’s image irrespective of age, race, ethnicity, abilities, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or marital status.
- Love God with our hearts and souls; and our neighbors as ourselves.
Our Purpose Statement
The purpose of Westminster Presbyterian Church is to serve God by providing worship, education, fellowship, and service opportunities for our members and our community.
Our Vision
At Westminster Presbyterian, our vision is to:
- Grow in the stewardship of God’s gifts;
- Engage in outreach to neighbors and the larger community;
- Remain faithful to our Presbyterian heritage while being progressive in our vision for the future;
- Create an environment within which people all along their spiritual journey may find welcome;
- Continue to expand our service and outreach to our neighbors and the larger community;
- Be a vital community that seeks to foster growth in what it means to be a disciple of Christ; and
- Nurture spiritual growth for all ages and stages of life through intellectually stimulating Christian education.
Our Core Values
At Westminster Presbyterian Church, we:
- Value fellowship with one another as we seek to reach out to all God’s children.
- Acknowledge an inseparable connection between faith and practice, and accept our responsibility to serve others through both personal involvement and charitable giving.
- Respect divergence of opinion and find our unity in our common commitment to Jesus Christ and the ministry to which he calls us.