We ask anyone coming to please wear a face mask or face covering of some sort to keep everyone safe. Participants will drive behind the Fellowship Hall building to line up and stay in their car until they have been directed to pull up to the food pantry doors. Participants that are walking to the pantry will have a designated place to stand – adhering to the 6 ft of social distancing that is recommended. Please follow the direction of the volunteer staff, so we can serve the community and keep everyone safe. Thank you.
Do you have more questions? Read our Q&A page below.
The WestMark Food Pantry is a community outreach service sponsored by Westminster Presbyterian Church and St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Peoria to provide hunger relief in our community. Serving nearly 2,000 individuals per month, the food pantry offers assistance to those who live within the greater Peoria area. It is staffed by a group of committed volunteers from Westminster and St. Mark’s who serve others with respect and compassion.
If you have some free time in your busy schedule, we can always use an extra set of hands to help us unload the monthly food trucks or stock the pantry shelves.
You can also help us out by:
For more information, call the church office at 309-673-8501.
“What goes through your mind as you sit in the sanctuary and look around?
As I sit in my pew and look up at the cross with the wonderful light illuminating it, I am reminded of why I am at Westminster on this particular day. The cross reminds me that Christ died for me and, in a sense, I am to do the same in my daily life. The brightness of the cross illustrates for me the brightness of living my life in the way of Christ.”