Stewardship season is upon us, which means we have to decide what we will give towards God’s work here at Westminster Presbyterian Church in 2023. By promising to give a certain amount during the year, you will ensure that our ministries get the support they need.
Financial Stewardship is an important component of a balanced spiritual life. Returning to God from that which God has given to us is a tangible way to express our faith.
Each year members of Westminster Presbyterian Church are asked to make a stewardship pledge for the upcoming calendar year. A pledge is a one-year financial commitment to support the ministry within our congregation, to the Peoria community, and to the world. Pledges made in connection with the current stewardship drive are paid during the calendar year, January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023.
The amount of each member’s stewardship pledge is a personal, spiritual decision. The biblical concept of tithing (contributing 10% of one’s income to the church and other worthy organizations) is a standard to prayerfully consider. Some members may be able to equal or exceed the tithing level. Other members will pledge at a lower level. We have included below a percentage chart (The Giving Grid) as a guideline for those who would like to move toward this goal. The giving chart shows amounts in dollars per month. All pledge contributions, regardless of the amount, are gratefully received as an expression of a member’s commitment.
Pledges are essential to our church’s planning process. Each year committees submit their goals and objectives and the estimated cost to achieve them. The Session adopts a tentative budget. Once members’ 2023 pledges are received, the Session will finalize the budget.
Stewardship packets have been mailed out to all members. If you have not received yours, please contact the office. Stewardship packets are also available for pick-up in the Narthex or to download and print them below.
We invite everyone to bring their pledges on Stewardship Sunday, November 14, 2021, as we celebrate the giving of our gifts. Those who are attending in person will come forward one by one to dedicate their pledge during the 10 am worship services. Those who are joining WPC online can hold their pledge up to the Lord when Pastor Denise begins to pray over our pledges.
Please place your pledge card in the envelope that was provided in your stewardship packet and bring it on November 14. If you cannot attend worship that day, please use the envelope to mail your pledge card to the church or pledge online.
As you think about what you can give, please consider a pledge today by filling out the online Pledge Form available at the link below. As an alternative to filling out the online form, you may complete and return the paper form which will be sent by mail to all members of the church or by downloading the ‘Stewardship Pledge Form’ found above.
Click HERE for more information about how you can direct your pledge to the church.
Find out what the benefits are to give online HERE.
Thank you!
For questions, please contact Denise Wirth at
“Throughout the week, there are many worldly things pulling me away from my commitment to God. I come to church on Sunday at Westminster to reconnect and renew my relationship with Him. Part of my worship is to ask him for forgiveness for my lack of faithfulness. I leave, reminded that he loves me, forgives me, and walks beside me every day. What a profound blessing that is!”