05/01/22 Weekly Worship

WELCOME to Westminster Church Online!

We are glad that you are here this morning. We hope this time of worship nurtures
your faith enlivens your spirit and engages your mind as we celebrate God’s
love and healing for the world with the resurrection of Christ, our Risen Lord.

Before you begin, remember to download and print the 05.01.22 Bulletin
Then grab your Bible, a cup of tea or coffee, and prepare your heart for worship.

If this is your first Sunday with us, welcome! We’re glad you choose to worship with us.
Please take a moment to fill out the online Friendship Form and let us know.

We’d love to know you joined us. Please take a moment to fill out the Friendship Form found below.



May 01, 2022 – 3rd Sunday of Easter
Rev. Denise Clark-Jones


The scripture readings for today describe life-altering encounters with God. The psalmist recovers from a serious illness. His sorrow turns to joy and he praises God. Paul’s dramatic conversion from a leading persecutor of Christians to a powerful Christian evangelist, and founder of Christian congregations, demonstrates God’s power to transform lives. John’s gospel describes Jesus giving Peter the chance to redeem his earlier betrayals by reaffirming his love for Christ and accepting his commission to devote his life to the care and service of others.  With vivid symbolic images, John of Patmos paints a scene of a future encounter with God and Christ at the end of the current era in his letter to “seven churches in Asia.”


Let us know that you joined us by filling out the Friendship Form below.
Then share with us your favorite part of today’s online worship experience!
Whether that was something from the music or the message, we’d love to hear.
Visit our Facebook to let us know.